What to consider before buying the cubicles for office in 2021?

Cubicles are known as the centrepieces of many offices. They’re a wonderful way to add privacy and block out noise within an open office space and proves to be immensely cost-effective. Office Pros has a huge selection of both new and used office furniture, including cubicles.. Here’s is the list of factors that need to consider before investing in new cubes” for your office space.


The space a person has will dictate the layout of your cubicles. The more open your space, the more cubes you’ll be able to fit in. Cubicles work best in a clustered groups of about four to six.

Number of Employees

How many cubes an office requires entirely depends on your number of employees. Many offices like to set up one or two space cubicles also so that they can accommodate visitors, guests, or special meetings. It is important to keep in mind that cubes don’t have to feature a desk.

Low cubicles typically offer segmentation while permitting employees to cooperate without leaving their seats whereas high cubes offer privacy and make ideal additions to offices where most of the workers are always on the phone.


Usually, cubes come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, but they come in distinct materials too. Fabric-lined cubicles are popular for their acoustic insulating capabilities and some offices preferred to have a cleaner, more modern look of plastic or fibre-glass cubes. It is important to consider including filing cabinets, shelving, and even a corner desk into your office cubes for ultimate functionality.

If you’re also looking to redesign your workplace for optimal safety and efficiency, cubicle workstations are the right solution for you.

Keep the Airflow Fresh

With the recent issues about COVID-19 and transmission in the workplace, cubicle workstations could be an excellent solution. We have learned that sizeable spaces with more airflow are healthier and less likely to have particles than say a small office with only a door to let air flow in and out.  Cubicle workstations are more open while offering a barrier between people so that air can flow, but no one can sit and work face-to-face.

See Higher Productivity

There is less room for slacking off during the workday without a door to close or shades to draw in a personal office. Cubicle workstations develop more visibility and a sense that your colleagues know what you’re up to at any given time. The fear of being caught in non-work related work could keep more employees on track. Small office cubicles let you give more privacy and you can concentrate more on your work and can meet deadlines on time rather than losing time out on social media.

Nowadays, there are several workstations available that boast modern, contemporary designs far better from the drab, depressing cubicles of the past. The workstations have a variety of design choices that can include cabinets and drawers to keep things organized and a plethora of desk space to get down to business.